Sunday, September 25, 2016

Semester Project Information

Hey Everyone! Here is the information for your semester long project that you will be working on.

Semester Project

Throughout the semester you will be updating blog posts and commenting on classmates blogs with questions. The goal of this assignment is to research areas of the curriculum and create interactive reviews that can then be used as a study guide before the EOC. It is the responsibility of the owner to monitor their wiki and answer any questions posted by classmates.

Everyone will make three blog posts and comment on 3 other students posts per each blog due date totaling 9 comments/questions (meaning you cannot comment on the first 9 blogs and be done for the semester). In total you will make 3 blogs with 9 comments. Each blog should contain a visual (picture, video, animation), main ideas/information about your topic (Something you can use as a quick review before the EOC), and some type of reflection (a summary of what you learned, what surprised you, was this something you already knew about, how did you like this objective, how can it be applied outside of biology, ect). Go to the following link to sign up for your topics: All topics must be picked once before a second person can sign up for them. I have put some notes in parenthesis by a few topics to help narrow the topic. MAKE SURE YOU PUT YOUR NAME IN YOUR BLOG AND THE COMMENT SO I CAN GIVE YOU CREDIT FOR THE ASSIGNMENT.

Your blog post might be due before we cover the content objective in class. If your objective has not been covered you will need to do some research on your own, but always know I will be available to help guide and narrow your research if needed.

DO NOT contact me the day before your post is due asking for help narrowing your research. You have plenty of time so plan ahead.

The first blog will be due by MIDNIGHT Wednesday OCTOBER 12th.
-All questions must be asked by MIDNIGHT Wednesday October 19th.
The second blog will be due by MIDNIGHT MONDAY NOVEMBER 28th.
-All questions must be asked by MIDNIGHT Friday December 2nd.
The third blog will be due by MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY JANUARY 3rd.
-All questions must be asked MIDNIGHT Friday January 6th.