6 Quick Main Topics
- Drug used to treat bacterial infections and certain parasites not viral infections.
- 1926 Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin which is a substance produced by fungi which is able to stop bacterial growth.
- Antibiotics can be given to host of bacteria or parasite by injection, tablet, liquid, cream/ ointment.
- Typically grouped together based on how they work.
- Antibiotics work by killing bacteria or parasite and is done by interfering with the cell wall to destroy the bacterium or parasite.
- Antibiotics have to be prescribed by a doctor, and the doctor will determine which antibiotic fits best for you based on your diagnosis along with other medicines you are currently taking, side- effects, how severe the infection is, etc.
The reason I chose antibiotics as one of my three topics is because I have had personal experiences with high dose antibiotics since I was eight. Something many people don’t know is that antibiotics can cause an infection while getting rid of bacteria or parasite in your body. This can be prevented by taking a probiotic at the same time. The prefix anti means against while the prefix pro means before… you can infer the rest. Antibiotics are also not an over the counter drug, it needs to be prescribed by your doctor to pick up at your local pharmacy. From my research I learned that antibiotics are produced from microorganisms which synthesizes them as defensive compounds. I also learned that moldy bread have been used to treat wounds to prevent infection. Sounds crazy, but makes since. You can find these experiments that place all over the world with positive outcomes from using this method on the web. All in all I really enjoyed researching and expanding my knowledge on antibiotics.
"Antibiotics. Side Effects & Types Of Antibiotics | Patient". Patient. N.p., 2016. Web. 11 Oct. 2016.
Masley, Dr. "Are Antibiotics Making You Fat? - Steven Masley MD, LLC". Steven Masley MD, LLC. N.p., 2015. Web. 11 Oct. 2016.
Purrington, Colin. "10 Fun Facts About Antibiotics". Microbeworld.org. N.p., 2013. Web. 11 Oct. 2016.
What are some of the infections that can be caused by antibiotics and how severe can they become? This blog looks really great and I learned a lot from reading it - James Voos
ReplyDeleteThis blog was really well written and i thought it was interesting how moldy bread can treat wounds.
ReplyDeleteGreat blog had very strong and a lot of factual information. I didn't understand Antibiotics but now I have a good knowledge about them. Why do Antibiotics have to be prescribed by your doctor and how many Antibiotics are there?
ReplyDeleteThank you for all the questions!! To answer Thomas, some of the infections that can be caused by antibiotics are C. difficile, yeast infection, etc. For example a yeast infection can be caused by making the vaginal environment less acidic. If this infection goes untreated it can get severe, but as long as you watch it and take care of it you'll be fine. Blake, antibiotics have to be prescribed by your doctor because first you have to be diagnosed, you have to be prescribed the right antibiotic according to your diagnoses, and also if antibiotics weren't a prescription drug many people would take them more than needed and this would cause more resistant organisms. Doctors also control the dosage amount, which many people would be unaware of if they were to pick up a bottle on their own. This is for the safety of people. To answer your second questions there are well over 100 antibiotics. They have all been created to treat different infections.
ReplyDeleteGreat blog, Aly! I was wondering how many people do you think use antibiotics daily on average.
ReplyDeleteI loved your blog! My understanding of antibiotics has certainly increased from your blog! Although, I'm confused on how antibiotics can cause an infection. How can a medicine used to treat a problem cause one itself?
ReplyDeleteGood Blog... How did Alexander Fleming discover Penicillin?
ReplyDeleteEmma, it ranges everyday with how many people use antibiotics daily on average, but 4 out of every 5 americans are prescribed antibiotics each year. London, thank you, antibiotics can cause an infection by overworking on their job and while getting rid of the bad bacteria, the antibiotic is also getting rid of the good bacteria we need at the same time. So you would also take a probiotic to balance the medication to resist your good bacteria being affected. Andre, Alexander Fleming discovered Penicillin by using the Penicillin notatum mold in experiments.