Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Natural Selection - James Voos

Natural Selection By James Arthur Voos 

What Natural Selection Entails 

The idea of natural selection was first brought upon this earth by Charles Darwin and was figured to be one of the main causes of evolution.  Charles Darwin had spotted this in finches that lived in the Galapagos Islands because their beaks determined what they ate because they were best suited for eating that certain food.  Natural selection occurs when genetic differentiation causes animals of the same species to look different.  These differences will usually help provide advantages for that animal in the wild.   The original species will die out because they didn't have the advantages taken on by the new one.  These genetic traits will be passed down until better traits come along and more natural selection will occur.

This is an example of Natural Selection through the finches on the Galapagos Islands.  Their beaks have adapted to the certain kinds of food they eat making it easier to get the food or to eat the food.  It also shows that they all evolved from finches that eat seeds.


I found natural selection to be a very interesting topic consider most things on this plant evolved to suit a certain need which can be almost anything from camouflage to a new and more useful beak.  I learned about Charles Darwin and the fact that he founded the idea of natural selection and that he discovered it through finches.   This can be applied outside of biology because you can use it to tell why the rabbits in your backyard are brown not white or why a fox gets a white coat when it starts to get cold out.

Citations N.p., 2016. Web. 12 Oct. 2016.
"Natural Selection At Work". N.p., 2016. Web. 12 Oct. 2016.


  1. I didnt know Natural selection occurs when genetic differentiation causes animals of the same species to look different. Interesting.

  2. Great blog a lot of good, strong information. I learned a lot that I didn't really know about natural selection. Can natural selection happen in plants too not just animals and if so what type of plants?

  3. The blog had good information and I liked the specific example of the finches. I was wondering if signs of natural selection had been shown in humans before or not?

  4. The blog was really good and had a lot of useful information. Are there certain environments where natural selection occurs more?


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