Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Passive vs Active Immunity - Bernie M.

       Passive immunity and active immunity are each types of immunities. A immunity is when your body is not harmed by a certain type of virus or bacteria that is trying to infect you. A passive immunity is when your body has a short term immunity to a virus or bacteria because of antibodies that are from another human or animal that have been put into you. A active immunity is when your body is always immune to something because it has the ability to create its own antibodies to fight off a antigen. (Partially correct. Passive immunity can also be long term. Think about mother to child. The mother has built an immunity to a specific pathogen. She passes this immunity on to the child. The child passively has an immunity that will last his/her entire life.)
       When I researched these topics I learned a lot of information. I didn't know anything about active or passive immunities and once I started to research them I learned that your body needs these immunities or else you could get the same cold over and over again. They are very important for you which is something I also learned. These are things that I learned while researching.
       I liked this objective because I felt it was very interesting to learn about because of just how important these immunities are to your daily life and how they protect you from so much stuff. That is why I enjoyed researching these. 
       These are used outside of biology in many ways. Passive immunities are used by doctors to help cured people if they are sick and active immunities are inside of people to prevent them from getting sick over and over. These are some ways that passive and active immunities are used outside of the biology world.
(Active Vs Passive Immunity) citation


  1. I liked your blog post! I was just wondering how long a passive immunity would last.

  2. You had a lot of good details but if you have that immunity it is totally impossible to get it

  3. Nce blog, just a few typos here and there.


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